There is an old legend saying that Zeus sent his personal delegate to find the most beatiful island in the world. After a very long and exhausting search, the delegate was so impressed with the beauty of islands Mljet, Korcula and Lastovo that he stayed there so Zeus turned him into a stone. According to the legend that stone is a tiny island Glavat, which is one of the 46 islands and clifs in the Nature Park Lastovo Archipelago. After my first visit, I must admit that the same thoughts of staying there(forever) were haunting me.
Located South from Korcula and West from NP Mljet, Lastovo is the most distant inhabitet island with only around 800 people living on it all year round. All though it’s history goes a long way back, the City of Lastovo was built 1000 years ago and some of the residential houses from 15th century are still standing as beautful examples of local architecture. Famous for their round chimneys called Fumars that were used as family status simbols in the past. In the archipelago there are numerous remainings of ancient roman setlements, 38 churches, a lot of really interesting military complexes and a heliodrome on the highest peak that will give you a breathtaking 360 view of the island and it’s suroundings.
From 1948. untill Croatia’s independence Lastovo was completly closed for the eyes of public and foreigners due to it being one of the biggest Yugoslav military marine bases. Because of this, tourism was undeveloped untill recently so the nature managed to stay untouched and Lastovo became a Park of Nature in 2006. It’s exciting underworld consisting of many reefs, sponges, corals and submarine caves with a big number of endemic species, makes this archipelago a true diver’s paradise. You can explore it’s rich flora and fauna, or visit one of the 16 underwater acheologial sites but only with professional divers that will guide you thru all the best spots.
If you are into good food you will love their organic fruits, veggies and herbs that grow everywhere, sea food caught daily from the local fishermans and off course their magnificent olive oil and wine.
What actually made me fall in love with this island are numerous secluded beaches that you can enjoy without crowds (sometimes all by yourself), wonderfull smell of pine trees and lavander that is following you everywhere (70 % of the island is covered in forest), the sound of crickets that never go to sleep and it’s epic stairy sky like I’ve seen no where else.